2011 Standings

Home Week
rank P# change Owner Team   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Bot. Weekly $ Fee Season $ FL $ Other $ Total rank   Owner Team
1 1 Kennedy, Dick IceCreamClones  dickndana 2468 2368 2451 3640 3358 2621 1979 2856 2732 2341 2069 2450 3495 3004 2845 3355 3315 47347 2   1 4 1 195.00 (170.00) 200.00 100.00 20.00 345.00 1 dickndana Kennedy, Dick IceCreamClones
2 2 Arndorfer, Mike Show me your TD's! worm05 1957 3059 2133 2702 2774 2470 2364 2813 2807 2510 2428 2350 3517 2905 2416 3468 3611 46284   2 2 2 1 125.00 (170.00) 200.00 50.00   205.00 2 worm05 Arndorfer, Mike Show me your TD's!
3 3 McDevitt, Martin Herky Husker  martymacado 2792 2630 2694 2983 2567 2652 1887 3162 2590 1644 2210 2939 2442 3182 3219 2955 3636 46184 2 3 2 1 3 280.00 (170.00) 175.00 25.00 40.00 350.00 3 martymacado  McDevitt, Martin Herky Husker
4 5 ↑1 Dunne, Mike SBBTitans  dunnemike 2399 2004 2622 2622 2666 2287 2424 2639 2707 2134 2318 2274 4008 3007 2858 3265 3597 45831 1     3 2 90.00 (170.00) 150.00   10.00 80.00 4 dunnemike Dunne, Mike SBBTitans
5 4 ↓1 Wetz, Grant Wetzie72  wetzie72 2182 2611 2558 3415 2779 2240 2725 2896 2772 1885 2628 2895 2391 2712 2666 3125 3193 45673   2 3 1 1 135.00 (170.00) 100.00     65.00 5 wetzie72  Wetz, Grant Wetzie72
6 9 ↑3 McDevitt, Dave unbearaball dmac4m 2339 2621 3079 2296 2326 2342 2787 2580 2362 1706 2374 2442 3154 2791 2908 2944 3771 44822 1 1 2   2 135.00 (170.00)     10.00 (25.00) 6 unbearaball McDevitt, Dave unbearaball
7 6 ↓1 Lewon, Jeff B1GHuskers  lewonjef 2140 3303 2312 2175 1876 2618 2217 2911 2945 2558 2135 3019 2796 2428 2611 3495 3062 44601 3 2   1 3 275.00 (170.00)     40.00 145.00 7 lewonjef Lewon, Jeff B1GHuskers
8 8 Schroeder, Ben Meet the Ferentz 2011  OCHawkeye 2194 3132 2971 1994 2552 2694 2506 2717 2634 1992 2169 2483 2691 2539 3069 2897 3263 44497   4     1 135.00 (170.00)       (35.00) 8 OCHawkeye Schroeder, Ben Meet the Ferentz 2011
9 7 ↓2 Grasso, Tony The Flint Tropics  tgrass2 1860 2800 2708 2920 2498 2310 1929 2467 2378 2746 2205 2861 3240 2608 2699 3126 2847 44202     1 2 3 25.00 (170.00)       (145.00) 9 tgrass2  Grasso, Tony Tgrass2
10 12 ↑2 Schroeder, Dave Mcnabb the 1st draft pick  vikesrule 2155 2217 2672 2892 2512 2335 2646 2321 2803 1713 2618 2379 2779 2760 2419 3136 3792 44149 1     2 1 85.00 (170.00)     10.00 (75.00) 10  vikesrule Schroeder, Dave Vikesrule
11 10 ↓1 Colling, Travis Herky's Heroes  tcolling 2143 2072 2624 2386 2206 2822 2109 2577 3083 2501 2588 2535 2928 2758 2255 2938 2885 43410 2       2 130.00 (170.00)     10.00 (30.00) 11 tcolling Colling, Travis Herky's Heroes
12 14 ↑2 Motter, Robin R Motter551  RMotter551 2865 2929 1492 2360 2004 2601 1943 2238 2724 2084 2148 2789 2892 2569 2789 3450 3412 43289 1   1   2 80.00 (170.00)       (90.00) 12 RMotter551 Motter, Robin R Motter551
13 11 ↓2 Rickert, Tom Pack 2 Pack CHAMPS  trickert 2033 2401 2715 2285 1835 2227 2793 2308 2587 2782 2307 2111 3504 3186 1965 3337 2791 43167 1 2 2   6 150.00 (170.00)     10.00 (10.00) 13 trickert Rickert, Tom Pack 2 Pack CHAMPS
14 13 ↓1 Luft, Kevin Packer Machine  luftybc 2138 2888 2177 2342 2248 2466 1814 2392 2670 2055 3226 2608 3024 2456 2787 2702 3131 43124 1       3 55.00 (170.00)     20.00 (95.00) 14 luftybc Luft, Kevin Packer Machine
15 15 Johnson, Darrin NU6 Times  NU5Times 2233 3098 2280 2236 2370 2271 1932 2463 2500 2132 2102 2626 2597 3064 2524 2953 2928 42309     2   1 35.00 (170.00)       (135.00) 15 NU5Times Johnson, Darrin NU6 Times
16 17 ↑1 Walter, Zack Huskerhank  huskerhank 2142 2690 2257 1652 2006 2041 1780 2645 2479 2804 2924 2512 2346 2657 2382 3215 3139 41671 1 1     4 85.00 (170.00)       (85.00) 16 huskerhank Walter, Zack Huskerhank
17 16 ↓1 Beaver, Dennis DoomsdayDisBack  Dbeaver 1884 1885 2058 2999 2328 2330 2817 2440 2416 1998 2112 2495 3017 2532 2688 2844 2096 40939 1   1   7 55.00 (170.00)       (115.00) 17 Dbeaver Beaver, Dennis DoomsdayDisBack
18 18 Lefleur, Bryan Howdy  bdl1 2020 2501 1744 2886 1935 2108 2509 2014 2087 2353 2330 2311 2665 3048 2323 2506 3369 40709       1 8 (30.00) (170.00)       (200.00) 18 bdl1 Lefleur, Bryan Howdy
17 17 17 17 51 2040.00 (3060.00) 170.00 150.00
1 League totals
2 Initial Pot $3,235.00
3 First payout ($1,190.00)
4 Second payout ($595.00)
16 Third payout ($340.00)
17 Fourth payout ($170.00)
18 Bottom three pay-in $255.00
Remaining 1st $0.00
Remaining 2nd $0.00
Remaining 3rd $0.00
Remaining 4th $0.00
Remaining bottom $0.00
Weekly pool ($2,040.00)
Season first ($200.00)
Season first (FL) ($100.00)
Season second ($200.00)
Season second (FL) ($50.00)
Season third ($175.00)
Season third (FL) ($25.00)
Season fourth ($150.00)
Season fifth ($100.00)
Yearly pool ($1,000.00)
High score paid ($170.00)
High score rollover $0.00
High score TBD $0.00
Other payout ($170.00)
blackandbrew.net ($25.00) ($25.00)
TOTAL $0.00